Orthognathic, surgery is performed to correct a wide range jaw, face and dental irregularities. Surgery can improve chewing, speaking and breathing. While the patient’s appearance may be dramatically enhanced as a result of their surgery, orthognathic surgery is usually performed to correct functional problems.
Orthognathic surgery can be performed on either the upper or lower jaw only, or it may be performed on both jaws. Patients requiring such surgery are seen by an Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon and an Orthodontist to determine if this type of treatment is appropriate. Facial and Dental analysis is undertaken and is used to plan an ideal treatment for each patient. The treatment will involve a combination of Orthodontics (fixed braces) and Jaw Surgery. The usual period of treatment is 3 years and the surgery is usually performed at approximately two and a half years into treatment.

Please click on the following link to access the blog of a patient that underwent jaw surgery. https://nabsysdoublejawsurgery.com/